Mental Health, Self help, stress management

7 Steps to Achieve a Growth Mindset in Life

People have been living their worst lifestyles by having a fixed mindset in that they believe that intelligence and talents are inherited and cannot be acquired. This is a wrong perception; people need to develop a growth mindset by trusting in their capacity to develop their abilities through learning, practicing, and persistence. Sometimes you might look at the most successful people and assume that their success was out of luck or genetic. But is the only way these people are successful is their mindset? This should be a motivating factor to change how you perceive things and boost your mental strength to help you adjust your mindset.

develop a growth mindset

There are several theories regarding the mindset of human beings, but according to Professor Dweck, people with a fixed mindset tend to stick with their childhood mindset for the rest of their lives. But suppose you understand your capabilities and flex your habit tracking, goal tracking, and stress management. In that case, you will get to know that the brain can change continuously in response to new learning and experiences. In this way, people can create new pathways as they grow and alter the existing ones, which helps them achieve a growth mindset.

Achieve a Growth mindset

Prioritize the following seven steps.

1. Embrace failure

The reason why most people do not progress is that they fear failure. This fear has stopped many people from flexing their muscles and trying new adventures and business opportunities. The reality is you can’t reach the pick unless you take the first step. Taking risks is scary but being stagnant for a long duration is worse, so you are better off taking the chance. Therefore take failures as part of learning and derive ways of overcoming them, and through that, you will be progressing.

2. Have a long-term vision

It is hard to know where you are heading if you cannot picture your destination. Having a long-term goal is very important, and it should come first before you develop a strategy or set your short-term goals. This can be supplemented by making small and regular gains while embracing stress management and persistence; you will eventually achieve a growth mindset.

3. Change your language

You may think they are only words, but they are powerful; therefore, you can help achieve a positive mindset by swapping some of the words and phrases into something positive that will encourage you to go to greater heights. Don’t deal with problems; embrace change and when you are tired, recognize it is time to recharge.

4. Seek outside help

Having a growth mindset does not mean you have to face everything yourself. Some situations are complex and require a great team; thus, asking for help is vital if you want to embrace a growth mindset.

5. Accept feedback

The way you deal with feedback tells a lot about whether you have a growth or a fixed mindset. If your goals have gone against your expectations, accept the feedback and look for ways in which you can overcome the obstacle. You can embrace this by goal setting and motivating yourself.

6. Keep going

Keeping going should be your theme if you want to obtain a growth mindset. Persistence wears out resistance, and through practice, you will improve your performance and thus achieve a growth mindset.

7. Be optimistic

It has been scientifically proven that optimistic are more joyful and successful than pessimists; therefore, you should always try to see the positive side of things. Have a new goal tracker and seek self-help, and eventually, you will reach your target goals.

Therefore mindset change is about seeing things in a new way. When people change to a growth mindset, they change from a judge and embracing learning and deriving new ways of finding solutions.


“All the best in your life, develop a growth mindset, and all will be well”